Tuesday, March 07, 2006

clear sky

crystal clear sky with very bright moon right on top of the sky. When the airplane flied over, it left a white long trail, almost like the ones in the sunshine.

I think I saw perseus, like a arc. definately saw auriga, canis major and leo.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Feb 14 moon & mercury

Feb 12 is Chinese lunar Lantern festival for family members to be together. It's a full moon. But I noticed the moon is not that big.
Today, I know it's an apogee moon. looks smaller and whiter than perigee moon.
Mercury should be right on the horizon when sunset these days, not lucky enough to have a clear sky and not be able to walk out early enough to see it yet. hopefully tomorrow!!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Jan 26 -- stars on the sky

Finally, there's a clear day. cold, -8 also.
Went back to China from Jan 7 to 18, smog all the time.
Then it's cloudy and rainy, snowy here in toronto for several days. good temprature though.

Today, I saw gemini, tarus, canis minor, auriga, canis major, cassiopeia. Still not dark enough to see everything clear.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Jan 5 -- MasteringAstronomy Seasons

elongated ellipse -- fast on the near side and slow on the far side
tropic of cancer
tropic of capricron
arctic circle
antarctic circle

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

dark and cloudy still (Jan 4)

It's still cloudy/rainy/snowy. We only saw blue sky on Dec 30, but not enough to watch stars.

MasteringAstronomy is working now. The first thing is to get a sense of distance.

I also learned the moon and some new words on the web.
Apogee Perigee Avarage
0.405mkm 0.363mkm 0.38mkm
Aphelion Perihelion Avarage
152mkm 147mkm 150mkm 1.5 x 10^8km--- AU
circumference diameter radius

sidereal -- a real full orbit synodic -- a full phase (month)
27.3 29.5 (days)

AU -- Astronomical Unit
light year -- 3 x 10^5km/s x3600 x 24 x 365 = 9460800000000km = 10 ^ 13 km
Mars orbit -- 1.5 AU 220mkm
Jupiter -- 5.2 AU
Saturn -- 10 AU
Uranus -- 20 AU
Neptune -- 30 AU
Pluto -- 40 AU
Alpha Centauri -- 4.1 x 10^13 km

Earth Radius -- 0.0063mkm 6,374km
Earth circuference -- 6,374 x 2 x 3.14 = 40,000 km

Sun Radius -- 0.7mkm 700,000km

milky way -- 10^5 light year in diameter, contains 100billion stars 10^11

local group -- 3 x 10^6 ly across, 40 galaxies
andromada is 2.5 x 10^6 ly
Local supercluster -- 10^8 ly across

observable universe is 15 x 10^9 ly

light emitted from outside of obserable universe has no time to reach us yet.

radius --> radii

5 month get to the moon if drive a car 100km/hour
8 hour to the moon use fastest spaceship 50,000km/h
2 year to Jupitor use this spaceship
10 months to Mars
100,000 years to Alpha Centauri

8 min for the sun light to reach earth
5 hours for the sun light to reach pluto

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Dec 23 - 27 - Christmas cloudy

Brought telescope to Kitchener, but the sky was grey. Rain, snow, never a day of star.

But I got some astronomy books and online courses as Christmas gifts. Also, I remembered more greek charactors and constellations.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Dec 16 -- 8:30 pm

-3 degrees, clear.Didn't see full moon yesterday because the storm. Saw moon in Waning Crescent.

saw Orion and Taurus -- v-shape bull head (Haydas).
Saw rabbit ears of Mars -- I think they are aries.

Toronto Latitude & Longitude: 43°41' N79°38' W

basic sky knowledge